Our Partners
Savoie Mont Blanc
The Savoie Mont-Blanc Agency is a bi-departmental committee (Savoie and Haute-Savoie) for tourism, which aims to promote the territory. In 2016 to its mission of promoting national and international tourism, geared towards the customer experience, a mission of territorial influence was added with the launch of a network of Savoie Mont Blanc Ambassadors, and the implementation of an Excellence approach aimed at qualifying companies and products.
From the single destination brand Savoie Mont Blanc created in 2006, an ecosystem of brands from the same community of values has been developed which must now be deployed to promote the best of the region, including Saint François Longchamp is part.
Created in 1999, the English brand Dare2b started with ski clothing, before branching out into a range of products for all the sports we love to practice. Drawing on real-life experiences, each creation is influenced by their clients as well as their athletes and partners from around the world. Textiles and accessories from our partner Dare2b can be found in the resort’s sports shops.
France Montagnes
France Montagnes est l’association regroupant les principaux acteurs du tourisme de montagne en France, dont Saint François Longchamp, afin de promouvoir la destination et ses bienfaits à l’échelle nationale et internationale.
La montagne, tout naturellement.
Jean Lain Automobiles
Jean Lain, official partner of Saint François Longchamp, provides vehicles to ensure the transport of his staff during his travels, and for transport by night shuttle. Jean Lain has concessions, repair and bodywork workshops in Savoie, Haute-Savoie, Grésivaudan and Pays de Gex. Find your Jean Lain store near you!
Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes
“The Region, of which 2/3 of the territory is in mountain areas, must love and defend its ski resorts because it is an extraordinary opportunity”. This is why the Region supports its ski resorts, including Saint François Longchamp.
This in particular through a new mountain plan in five axes, aiming at a global approach to ensure a quality of life and an economic development in this fragile space, which will be declined in the coming months of the mandate. It covers themes ranging from artificial snowmaking in ski resorts, to upgrading tourist accommodation and renovating cold beds by calling on the Caisse des Dépôts, improving access to resorts by focusing on cable transport, the maintenance of local health services, the summer mountains or the development of digital technology in resorts.