“Fête du 15 août”

Montaimont Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024
Come and discover Montaimont’s traditions at the August 15th festival.

. 10:00 Mass in the chapel of Notre-Dame de Beaurevers
. 11:00 Refreshments, oysters and bread baked in the village oven.

Afternoon at the Champ de foire.

. 12.30 Country meal: diots, potatoes, cheeses, cakes
Adults 18 euro | under 12 years 15 euro

Reservation for meals required on line or by phone at 06 74 32 11 91

. 14.30 Opening of the village festival:slide, rifle and blowgun shooting range, butter and cheese making
. 15:30 Parade and presentation of traditional Taimonin costumes by the Association pour le patrimoine with the cooperation of the Compagnie de cirque la Vrille
. 16:00 Show by the Compagnie de cirque La Vrille,followed by Olympiades taimonins.

All afternoon

Refreshments, cakes, ice creams, sale of treats

Evening at the Champ de foire

. 19.30 Grillades on the Champ de foire. Ball with our DJ Augustin on the Champ de foire or in the Salle polyvalente (in case of bad weather)

Costume Montaimont